1989 [60fps] Strider Hiryu Nomiss ALL (SOUND X68K) - ゲームの無料動画を楽しもう♪











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1989 [60fps] Strider Hiryu Nomiss ALL (SOUND X68K)

1989 [60fps] Strider Hiryu Nomiss ALL (SOUND X68K)

ストライダー飛竜 / Strider Hiryu (Japan set 1) Capcom 1989 ノーミスクリア Player あほおん 収録Ver mame32jp  ※動画は音源にサンプル(X68K)を使用しています。 ※音声差し替え(20220121) mame replay site https://replayburners.web.fc2.com/ ストライダー飛竜 発売年:1989.03 開発/発売元:カプコン ジャンル:アクション コントローラ:8方向レバー+2ボタン システムボード:カプコン プレイシステム(CPS) CPU構成[68000, Z80] 音源チップ[YM2151, OKI6295] ゲーム内容は、今までにない程テンポのよい、スピード感溢れるアクションゲームとなっている。プレイヤーはダメージ制で、サイファーと呼ばれるソードを武器に、ジャンプ、スライディングなどを駆使して各ステージのボスを倒す。アクロバティックなステージが多く、見ていてもとても楽しめる作品である。全5ステージ。 ストーリー: A.D2048年。全世界を舞台に暗躍する忍者集団がいた。人々は彼らを「野に駆せる影」ストライダーと呼んだ・・・。飛竜は、常人の能力をはるかに上回る力を持つストライダースの中でも頂点に立つ超A級に位置する男。サイファーとクライムシクルを手に、はるか天空に打ち上げられた人工都市「第3の月」に君臨する、冥王グランドマスターを倒し、人類抹殺計画を阻止するのが彼の使命である。 Strider Hiryu (c) 1989 Capcom Co., Ltd. Strider Hiryu is a multi-directional scrolling platform beat-em-up in which the player takes control of 'Strider Hiryu', a ninja-style warrior who must defeat a legendary being known as 'Grandmaster Meio'. Set in a dystopian future in the year 2048, Meio has been watching Earth from his own distant galaxy and has created a space station (known as 'The Third Moon') between Earth and its moon in order to rule over the Human race. Armed with a curved sword known as a 'Falchion', Strider must travel the globe to find and destroy Meio. Numerous power-ups can be obtained from metallic item boxes carried by certain enemies. These include an extension to Hiryu's attack range that lasts for one hundred slashes, two types of health aids (represented by the kanji used to write Hiryu's name), a max health extension, an extra life and a power-up that not only makes Hiryu invulnerable to attack, but also increases his own attack abilities via shadow images of himself for 30 seconds. Hiryu can also summon robotic companions known collectively as "options" that help him fight enemies. These consist of up to two mushroom-like droids, a saber-toothed tiger and a hawk. These are referred to as Options A, B and C respectively. Strider Hiryu is highly agile and has the ability to latch onto walls and ceilings using a metallic hook; a concept which set the game apart from other platformers and allowed for highly inventive level design. The game consists of five stages: * Kazakh Soviet Sot Republic (called "St. Petersburgh" during the arcade game's attract sequence), * Siberian Wilderness * Aerial Battleship Ballog * Amazonian Jungle * The Third Moon. - TECHNICAL - Capcom Play System hardware (CPS) Game ID : CP-S No. 03 Main CPU : 68000 (@ 10 Mhz) Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz) Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.579545 Mhz), OKI6295 (@ 7.576 Khz) Players : 2 Control : 8-way joystick Buttons : 2 = [1] Slash, [2] Jump - TRIVIA - Strider Hiryu was originally released in March 1989 in Japan. And then was released outside Japan as "Strider [CP-S No. 03]". The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Flying Dragon Strider'. Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Strider Hiryu : G.S.M. Capcom 2 - D25B1001) on 21/05/1989. - SERIES - 1. Strider Hiryu [CP-S No. 03] (1989) 2. Strider Hiryu 2 (1999) - STAFF - Object Designers : Shinji Sakashita (Sakashita Thing), Take Pong, Tissue (Tisshu), Makizoe, Tery, Terabo, Hisabo, Kuribo, Komsan, Gin Scroll Designers : Teiki, Rie. Poo, Ziggy, Rinma, Marilyn Higuchi, Morilyn, Kintaro Soft Programmers : T. Maruchi, Tae 250r, Mikkun, Tadaken, Kiyomi Kaneko (Kanekon), Dorompa. E, Ka~kuny, Check. Masa Music by : Junko Tamiya Planning Advisers : Tokuro Fujiwara (Arthur), Yossan Game Planner : Hiroichi Yotsui (Isuke) - SOURCES - Game's rom. Machine's picture.
投稿日時:2022年01月21日 16時47分
再生回数:7,526 回

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