1985 [60fps] Exciting Hour Speedrun 3m41s Loop1 - ゲームの無料動画を楽しもう♪











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1985 [60fps] Exciting Hour Speedrun 3m41s Loop1

1985 [60fps] Exciting Hour Speedrun 3m41s Loop1

エキサイティング・アワー -ザ・プロレスリング・ネットワーク- / Exciting Hour Technos Japan / Taito 1985 1週 最速攻略(3m41s) Player Janet 収録Ver MAMEUI64 0.184 スピードランに必要なのは7,8,9,9,10回のショルダータックル。エンディングは防御戦を1回勝利しなければ出現しません。 投稿者のチャンネル : https://www.youtube.com/c/Janet-vc2 mame replay site https://replayburners.web.fc2.com/ エキサイティング・アワー 発売年:1985 開発元:テクノスジャパン 発売元:タイトー ジャンル:スポーツ コントローラ:8方向レバー+2ボタン システムボード:専用基板 CPU構成[M6502 (2)] 音源チップ[AY-3-8910 (2), DAC] テクノスジャパンより発売されたプロレスゲーム。非常にテンポが良く、当時のプロレスファンを熱狂させた。プレイヤーは5人のレスラーと戦い、チャンピオンを目指すのがこのゲームの目的。ボタンの組み合わせで様々な攻撃が可能。また、とても長い間ヒットを続けた作品でもあり、ゲームセンターには必ずフリークが存在し、いつも誰かがプレイしていた。チャンピオンになった後も、防衛戦が延々続く終わり無きゲーム。原住民のようなココ・サベージに苦しめられた人も多いはず。 Exciting Hour - The Prowrestling Network (c) 1985 Taito Corp. A match of wits and skill with classic ring techniques used in today's popular professional wrestling arenas. The ringside announcer to signal the start of the match introduces the events. The player battles each of his 5 awesome opponents in quest of the championship. Timely use of joystick and buttons maneuvers the player into position and activates all the standard as well as spectacular moves including : Pile Driver, Sunset Flip, Rolling Sole Butt, Lariat, Plunger, Flying Body Press, everything to weaken the enemy for a pin-fall win for the count of 3, or keeping the challenger out of the ring for a twenty count. After each win, the player takes on the next opponent for another three-minute period. If he defeats all of the opponents, he earns the right to the Championship Belt and goes on to the next four in defense of his title. Colorful, fast-paced action plus realistic sound effects of hits, moves, count-down and crowd cheers adds to the atmosphere and excitement associated with the current rage of professional wrestling. - TECHNICAL - Game ID : TA-0015 Main CPU : M6502 (@ 1.5 Mhz) Sound CPU : M6502 (@ 1.2 Mhz) Sound Chips : (2x) AY8910 (@ 1.5 Mhz), DAC Players : 2 Control : 8-way joystick Buttons : 2 = [1] Punch, [2] Kick - TRIVIA - Exciting Hour was released in October 1985 by Taito under license from Technos. This game is known outside Japan as "Mat Mania - The Prowrestling Network". A 2-Player version of this game is known as "Mania Challenge". * List of opponents : 1) Insane Warrior Signature Move : Body Press Difficulty : Very Easy Comments : Comic relief for the game. A very easy opponent to beat up and a good learning partner. 2) Karate Fighter Signature Move : Rabbit Punch Difficulty : Easy Comments : Another opponent to use as a practice partner. 3) Coco Savage Signature Move : Slingshot (grabs you by the ankles and throws you across / out of the ring). Difficulty : Very Difficult Comments : A dirty fighter. Will knock you down by giving you a shoulder block or knocking you on the head. Will cheat by getting you near the ropes and giving you plenty of shoulder blocks! 4) The Piranha Signature Move : Elbow Drop Difficulty : Moderate Comments : The dirtiest fighter in the game. A very difficult opponent to fight with outside the ring. 5) Blues Bloody Signature Move : Leg Drop Difficulty : Moderate Comments : The champ. Likes to body slam and throw opponents out of the ring. - SERIES - 1. The Big Pro Wrestling! (1983) 2. Exciting Hour - The Prowrestling Network (1985) - SOURCES - Game's rom.
投稿日時:2021年12月31日 16時22分
再生回数:10,396 回

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