Super Thracia - Chapter 1 - ゲームの無料動画を楽しもう♪











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Super Thracia - Chapter 1

Super Thracia - Chapter 1

Before of anything else, I don't know speak english, so I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. I'll use the description to talk about what I'm doing and the reason. I not really good at this game, so you will see a lot of dumb mistakes and lack of attention. You'll see I am checking the same thing over and over, this is a quirk of mine, please ignore it. I don't skip the dialogue in case there is someone who understands Japanese and wants to read it. (Which imo is quite difficult tbh) First of all, what is this? It is a rom hack of fire emblem thracia 776. It is known for harsh difficulty What is Fire Emblem? Fire Emblem is a turn-based tactical RPG video game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems, and published by Nintendo. Where can I download it? Why am I playing this rom hack? Because I like it, it's fun. (sometimes) There is an english patch, but since it's just a menu translation, I won't be playing it. At the moment I posted this video, I'm on chapter 15. And the first 3 chapters I was playing on the cell phone, because my laptop is not good. Rules: No Dain Shield skill. No Save States. No cheat codes. What I'll be doing? At the beginning, I'll reset the same chapter until get what I need, for example: BLD, or movement. In some cases, I'll rng abuse to get some specific stat. Because it's boring to reset over 15 times, spending 20/40 minutes per reset, and not get what I want. Reinforcements abuse, because it'll be helpful to get better weapon ranks and some levels. Also, I'll use poison and hell to get better staff ranks and exp. Now let's talk about the chapter. The first chapter is easy, the only problem is the Arden (the armor knight), because when attacked he'll get 40 in all stats, all you need is use Dagda with hammer or Eyvel with rapier to kill him and get a. I tried to capture the boss, but I gave up. And that cut at the end its because the phone's memory ran out. That movement cost about 2 resets. Nobody is going to watch this, but I'll post it anyways.
投稿日時:2022年04月4日 22時24分
再生回数:24 回

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