1992 [60fps] Arabian Magic DEMO - ゲームの無料動画を楽しもう♪











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1992 [60fps] Arabian Magic DEMO

1992 [60fps] Arabian Magic DEMO

アラビアンマジック / Arabian Magic (Ver 1.0J 1992/07/06) Taito 1992 EKMAME64 0.222  Game replay site https://replayburners.blog.jp アラビアンマジック 発売年:1992 開発/発売元:タイトー ジャンル:格闘アクション コントローラ:8方向レバー+3ボタン システムボード:タイトー F3システム(旧F3基板) CPU構成[68EC020, 68000] 音源チップ[ES5505] タイトーから登場した「アラビアンナイト」の不思議な世界で展開する格闘アクションゲーム。内容は大魔王の魔法によって姿を変えられた王国シャハリヤールドの王様を救うべく、7色の宝石を集めることが目的というもの。スピードが速いラシッド王子、遠くからでも攻撃できるリサ姫、平均的な能力を持つシンドバッド、最も難度が高いと思われるアフシャルの4人の個性的で多彩な攻撃が可能な勇者からプレイヤーをセレクトする。アクションは攻撃、ジャンプの他にランプの精を召喚することができる。全7ステージ。 ストーリー: 遠い昔。王国シャハリヤールドが悪の大魔王に支配された。魔法で猿に変えられた王様を救い出すためには、7色の宝石を手に入れ、魔法の力で呪いを解かなければならない。しかし、行く手には手強い魔物がまちかまえている。ラシッド王子、リサ姫、シンドバッド、アフシャールの4人は、それぞれ違った能力と手に入れた魔法で立ち向かう。 [出典:アラビアンマジック 業務用販促チラシ(タイトー)] Arabian Magic (c) 1992 Taito Corp. Arabian Magic is a scrolling beat-em-up for one to four players, set in the mythical world of The Arabian Nights. A long time ago, an evil wizard has taken over the peaceful kingdom of Shahariyard and used sorcery to transform its king into a Monkey. The player must defeat each of the game's seven Guardians to reclaim the 'Jewel of Seven Colours' and release the king from the evil hex. Each player can select from four distinctive characters: Prince Lassid, Princess Lisa, Sinbad or Afshael. Each character carries a primary weapon - Prince Lassid and Sinbad carry swords, Princess Lisa a magical veil and Afshael a mace. In addition to the weapons, players can also summon a magical attack in the form of a huge genie. The genie will only appear for a few seconds but during that time, players have control over the genie and can steer him towards enemies. Arabian Magic has seven different stages with one of the powerful guardians awaiting the player at the end of each level. Each guardian, once defeated, will drop a jewel which forms a part of the Jewel of Seven Colours. Guardians, once defeated, will join the player and become a Genie. Each level is littered with vases and wooden chests which, when broken, reveal treasure items and power-ups. The game ends when the player has recovered the Jewel of Seven Colours, saved the King (making him human in the process) and restored peace to Shahariyard. - TECHNICAL - Taito F3 System Hardware Prom Stickers : D29 Main CPU : 68EC020 (@ 16 Mhz) Sound CPU : 68000 (@ 16 Mhz) Sound Chips : ES5505 (@ 15.23805 Mhz) Players : 2 or 4 Control : Dial Buttons : 3 = Attack, Jump, Magic - TRIVIA - Arabian Magic was released in July 1992. The game forbids the initials 'SEX' on the high score table. If you try, it gets changed to Japanese characters. Zuntata Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Zuntata Rare Selection Vol.4 - Arabian Magic - ZTTL-0030) on September 21, 1998. - TIPS AND TRICKS - * Round Select Mode : 1) Hold Service Switch and reset the game. 2) Press the buttons in the following sequence 'Start(x3), Service, Start' on the 'Service Switch Error' message screen. 3) If it's done successfully, you will be able to enter the Round Select Mode. - STAFF - Producers : Yukiwo Ishikawa (Yukio Abe), Kazutomo Ishida Director : Yukiwo Ishikawa (Yukio Abe) Software : Kazutomo Ishida, Kusago Nagahara, K. Usahi, Zippy Aoki, Masashi Tsuzura Music & Sound (Zuntata): Norihiro Furukawa, Naoto Yagishita Hardware : Katsumi Kaneoka, Syuji Kubota Art director : Nobuhiro Hiramatsu Character designers : Nobuhiro Hiramatsu, Hiroyo Kujirai, Sakabon, Yukio Abe, Marutake, M. Maekawa, Waka, Peacock, V.A.P - SOURCES - Game's rom. Game's screenshots.
投稿日時:2022年01月27日 16時29分
再生回数:1,470 回

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