1989 [55fps] Dragon Breed 6676400pts Nomiss ALL - ゲームの無料動画を楽しもう♪











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1989 [55fps] Dragon Breed 6676400pts Nomiss ALL

1989 [55fps] Dragon Breed 6676400pts Nomiss ALL

ドラゴンブリード / Dragon Breed Irem 1989 6,676,400pts Player YMA 収録Ver MAME0.61  ※動画は稼ぎの場面を早送り編集しています。 mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/ ドラゴンブリード 発売年:1989.07 開発/発売元:アイレム ジャンル:シューティング コントローラ:8方向レバー+2ボタン システムボード:アイレム M72システム CPU構成[V30, Z80] 音源チップ[YM2151, DAC] アイレムより登場した巨大なドラゴンに乗って戦う、迫力のシューティング作品。ドラゴンを思うように操る楽しみがこの作品のウリであり、ドラゴンは乗り降りが自由で体が無敵であるため、敵の弾を防御したり敵にダメージを与えることができる。ドラゴンはパワーアップアイテム(オーブ)によって変化し、同じ色をオーブを続けて取るとレベルが上がる。またドラゴンの放つブレスもドラゴンの属性が変化し、ゴールドドラゴンとブロンズドラゴンではレバー入力により強力な攻撃が可能となる。 ストーリー: カイアスは、わずか15歳にしてアガメン帝国の王となったが、それを不服とする者が闇の王ザンパキオスの封印を解き、闇の力をもって国を征服せんとたくらんだ。風は瘴気に満ち大地は腐り、徐々に闇へと変貌を遂げていった。若き王カイアスよ、光の巨龍バハムートと共に闇の復活をくい止めるのだ。 [出典:ドラゴンブリード 業務用販促チラシ(アイレム)] Dragon Breed (c) 1989 Irem Corp. A superb and innovative side-scrolling shoot-em-up from the same gaming stable that gave the world "R-Type", Irem. Dragon Breed differs from other shoot-em-ups through its interpretation of the 'ship' that appears in other games of the genre; in Dragon Breed, the player controls a figure who rides a fully articulated and superbly rendered dragon. What makes this a particularly inspired move is that the Dragon's body - which is invulnerable to enemies and enemy fire - can be used as both a shield and a weapon; the player can move the dragon in such a way that its tail can be used to surround its rider and protect him from his enemies. Any contact the enemy has with the dragon will also deplete the enemy's power and eventually kill it. The dragon can also be 'powered-up' in a similar fashion to the space craft of other shoot-em-ups. At various point throughout a level, small areas of land will appear at the bottom of the screen. These often contain power-ups and the player can fly the dragon down to the platform, dismount, and move around on foot. - TECHNICAL - Irem M-81 system hardware Main CPU : V30 (@ 8 Mhz) Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz) Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.579545 Mhz), DAC (@ 3.579545 Mhz) Screen orientation : Horizontal Video resolution : 384 x 256 pixels Screen refresh : 55.00 Hz Palette colors : 512 Players : 1 Control : 8-way joystick Buttons: 2 = [A] Shoot, [B] Jump - TRIVIA - Dragon Breed was released in June 1989. The game borrows quite a few game design elements from Irem's "R-type" classic shooter series! Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Dragon Breed - PCCB-00006) on 21/10/1989. - TIPS AND TRICKS - * Secret Invincibility : 1) Turn DIP 2-7 ON. 2) Reset the game with holding Player 1-Button 2. 3) You will be able to start a game with invincibility. * Dragon Breed power-ups : Red : the dragon breathes a flame. The flame gets longer if more power-ups are collected. Yellow : the dragon's body starts to fire tiny yellow crescents in all directions. White : the dragon shoots up to four miniature dragons, which home in on enemies. Blue : the dragon fires downward bolts of electricity from its underside. - SOURCES - Machine's picture. Game's rom.
投稿日時:2018年06月30日 19時35分
再生回数:53,522 回

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